“High Performancewith Greater Speed and Accuracy”Leading the Way… Health Services Foundation’s Million Dollar Nuclear Medicine Project for Houlton Regional Hospital. One Life — Your Life The Life of Another From the day you were born you are distinct, unique and special and will remain that way. Leading healthy, happy lives will add to keeping you special through all phases of life. However, during the journey, You, Loved Ones, Friends, Those you care about so very much may have a time during which nuclear medicine assessment may be needed. To meet that need for you and everyone our goal is: “Peace of Mind” – knowing that Leading Edge Medical Technology, Privacy / Comfort is There When You Need It! The Foundation recently concluded a Nuclear Medicine Campaign In order to help meet the 21st century nuclear medicine demands at Houlton Regional Hospital. This campaign assisted in assuring that the nuclear medicine department is fast-paced, capable of keeping up with emerging technology as well as providing comfort and privacy patients deserve. Outcome: $602,000 was awarded Houlton Regional Hospital to purchase state-of-the-art Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment, and assist with the expansion and renovation of the Nuclear Medicine Department in order to address serious privacy/comfort issues. The nuclear medicine department handles approximately 2000 patients each year and now with a camera that will do scans in minutes vs. hours; more patients can be accommodated each day thereby giving the hospital the ability to serve a larger population. In addition to this new equipment, it wasvital that the department have adequate testing, privacy/comfort space in order to meet the growing demand. With new equipment and space for the Nuclear Medicine Department, Houlton Regional Hospital will continue the high quality of healthcare known throughout its service area. |